Monday, March 30, 2009

"is it only English in the big school? or there's Bahasa too??" ...

we're going away for a short holiday tomorrow. nowhere that far from home, but it'll do us (rather, me) good, i'm sure.


Big Z's on his two-week Easter break. plan is to go on this short holiday this week and then hopefully next week, i could be the productive + creative mom to think up some fun home activities with him. oh, and his sister too, of course.

this is his last year in preschool before starting proper school next year. to say that i'm all ready and confident about the transition would be a lie. i'm nervous and anxious and paranoid. a bit much too, i'd say.

there's the big school + new environment + cleanliness of school + bullies + bigger, more serious school subjects + language. at the risk of sounding a bit 'orang putih', my son speaks and understands not-much Malay. in his present school, they have Bahasa Malaysia (or is it Melayu? i can never be at par with our education system and syllabus ... constantly changing their minds on one too many things!) twice a week. and on those two days, he cringes before leaving for school, just coz he knows he isn't comfortable with the subject. when i checked with his teachers, they say he does the work correctly, but is still a little fearful of the subject. he still gets his numbers wrong at times. for some reason, he can't seem to get 'lima', 'enam', 'sembilan' right. 'satu', 'dua', 'tiga', 'empat', 'tujuh' and 'sepuluh' are fine.

so. next year should be interesting, if not terrifying for us.


*oh. and the title above (Farah, i finally got one! hehe) is Big Z's famous question(s) to me whenever i talk to him about primary school. *



ohhh... time flies! where is he going anyway for the big school?

i totally understand about the bahasa thingy. my son recently got his results from his term exam. he got straight As except for bahasa which he got a C. oh well, you can't have it all , can you?

zie_naz said...

We fear for Umar too.. Alhamdulillah he's making progress at his Malay language now, his kindy school emphasize on both language, as Malay will be one of the main subjects in primary. And scary here that parents fighting over time to get their kids all the extra classes, enrichments etc, from pre-school age! And for Muslims we got weekly madrasah for them & Koran class. Pity kids that don't have free time at all to use their brain freely, happily eg play! mmmm..whatever has happened to the world of academic power, at least here in SG. US, UK suits me better ;-) (hehehehe..)

lyn said...

awww... he's grown up.

my boys going to primary school too next year. they go for prep at 5yrs old and grade 1 when they are 6. (at last... 8.45am-3pm mondays to fridays.. i am free! kindie right now, they only go on Thurdays & Fridays and alternate Wednesdays from 9am-2.30pm)

still yet to teach boys Malay.

the words they can say are:
1. ayam masak kicap
2. nama saya (not knowing the meaning) so it always goes... "nama saya kicap"