Sunday, December 23, 2007

what you'll get from an ambidextrous (might be) lil dude . . .

Some of the 'finer' things you hear coming out of Big Z's mouth ...

:: in the car, myself and The Daddy were talking, music wasn't exactly soft, so our voices weren't exactly on the low volume either, Big Z was trying to 'read' his book ::

Big Z: ey Mummy .... can you please talk softly? i can't son-ken-trate!

note: son-ken-trate = concentrate

:: on the sofabed, lying down next to me, kissing my belly ::

Big Z: when Baby Adik comes, you go to your doctor ... and you're not scared anymore Mummy ... yes? you're not scared anymore ... doctor checks your baby, and then I wait for you at Atok's house, yes? that's a good idea, yes?

note: a lot of 'yes' at the end of his sentences, almost to clarify things and give himself the peace of mind on things to come :-)

:: on noticing my belly button is now an 'outie' and not an 'innie' anymore ::

Big Z: why's the baby so fat, Mummy? she push your button out already!! ... (shakes head and says) why ... why ...?

note: yup, my belly button's no longer the deep valley that it used to be .. it's so sticking out there, pretty much has a head-start compared to the rest of my body now! not a pretty sight, i tell ya. but, all part and parcel of being pregnant, right? heavily pregnant, no less!

Oh, on a separate note, I'm starting to think that Big Z could be ambidextrous.
I did observe a while back how he'd swap his spoon from one hand to the other when eating, just as he'd swap his pen or crayon from one hand to the other when writing. But this was some time back, when he was about a year plus, so I didn't think much of it - citing it as just a toddler perfecting his motor skills. But recently, some weeks back, I watched him write his name and only after he'd finished writing it, did I notice he was using his left hand. More often, I see him using his right hand. What was even more surprising, was the fact that his name had never looked so neat as that left-hand's crafty job. Maybe he should use his left hand more when writing and painting then ... it may produce neater pieces of work.

So yea, whadya think? Big Z an ambidextrous maybe?
Both The Daddy and myself are righties. But, my dad is ambidextrous and my brother's a lefty. It could be possible then that Big Z's taking after my dad, yes?


Nadia said...

Son-ken-trate! Hahahahahahahahaha! Your boy is making me laugh ALL the time with his 'new' words. LOL!

Anyway, it's good if he's ambidextrous. Like during exams when his hand is tired from writing so much, he can swap onto another hand. How cool is that??!! ;)

Mommy at Home said...

Ahahahahah, Big Z is so funny!! I love the son-ken-trate part, especially!

My lil bro was an ambidex when he was a todder right up until he entered high school. After that, he used more of his righty that now he says he can't write well anymore with his lefty. Somehow, he grew out of it. I didn't know it was even possible to do that.

Delia said...

my youngest sis and my mom is a lefty! hehehe took a while for my sister to learn to even eat with her right hand masa dia kecik2! anyway, i'm not suprised that Z likes to say 'yes' coz u do that a lot too Mrix! hehehe maybe he takes up after you! =) and 5 hours je your labour??? how i wish! I had to wait for close to 12 hours masa Dzyad! and didn't take the epidural so 12 hours of unimaginable pain! i seriously don't know if i'll be brave enuff this time around...