Monday, December 29, 2008

our 2008 in pictures ...

Sometimes, a lil glimpse is all you need ... to make a moment.
Or, to record a worthy-enough sort of entry in my blog. ;-)

:: Big Z celebrated his 5th birthday at Hong Kong Disneyland ::

:: soon after his 5th, he closed a significant chapter of his life -
goodbye Thomas, goodbye Island of Sodor ... hello Transformers! ::

:: Big Z aptly calls this transition period "transThomas" ... how's that for a 5 year old's wit? ::

:: Baby Patch + Baby Gap keep Baby Z nice and warm many days and nights; a theme of sorts seems to have evolved over the months as far as 'dressing' her up goes ... watch this space ::

:: our Baby Z who makes it clear she's her Daddy's girl - note that grip on the Daddy's tee! ::

:: our Baby Z who is interested (or distracted?) by one too many things at any one time ::

:: then there's the Daddy who travelled more than previous years, albeit to closer destinations than before ::

:: and last but not least, yours truly,
who's STILL struggling to lose the pregnancy weight, 10 months after delivery! ::

how was your 2008? i take comfort knowing i have my loved ones to wake up to each day, to say goodnight to each night, to laugh and argue with, to be silly and serious with, to share many more years together. insyaAllah ...

on that note, have a very merry happy new year! may 2009 bring us all better days and nights, more highs and less lows. ;-)

1 comment:

zie_naz said...

Happy New Year! Umar's 1st day of school t'row, in SG (he started his once a week madrasah yest). I've been bz dealing with Umar&Zaky's sickness since Christmas, temp. on-off, up to 40.7 Celcius! Umar finished antibiotic, Zaky still on it. May new year 2009/1430 will start with good health for all of us, Amin..:-)