Wednesday, March 26, 2008

the little helper on his break ...

it's Easter and Spring break for Big Z now. which means 2 weeks off from school. it's now day 4 of his school holidays (day 6 if you count Saturday and Sunday). i had completely forgotten about this school break of his. so on Friday last, he and his Daddy made their way to school as per normal, only for them to return home 10 minutes later. they were met by locked school gates. only then did i check his school calendar; 2 weeks off school. so THAT'S how 'attentive' i've been ever since a lil someone entered our lives. they say as you progress through each pregnancy and each baby, you tend to grow a little more forgetful. eeek!! so, not wanting to take anymore risks, i think we'll just stop at 2 kids. i dread to think how much more forgetful and absent-minded i can get otherwise. heheh ...

i would love to say i've done some good productive educational activities with Big Z this week. you know, the 'it's school holidays, let's do something fun and educational with the kids' sort of activities. sad to say, i've done nothing of the sort. no clever crafts, no educational experiments. if at all, the most we've done together is care for Baby Z.
like this morning. daily routine ... get her bath ready, nurse her a bit, then wait for her to poo, clean her up, then give her a nice thorough bath. all was well until i felt this strange warm sensation on my legs. she dozed off on me while drinking and decided to poo more than necessary! that warm sensation was her poo. the diaper could only hold in so much, leaving the rest flowing out of the diaper, through her onesie, through her blanket and onto my pants!! it was a mess, needless to say. but fear not. Big Z was quick to offer his assistance. it was tissues (granted, not quite passed to me, more like thrown to me in all haste and panic), the bin, the towel and then his signature singing to Baby Z. to soothe her, he says. though really, she was all calm and soothed. it was the Mummy who needed the calming and the soothing. haha ... after the whole chaos, i bathed her, dressed her, wrapped her in another blankie and then had my own express shower. while in the shower, i heard her making a fuss - she hates having her hands all wrapped up. i got out of the shower, Big Z said he's making her feel better coz he sang to her already. ahh .. but of course. the instant i picked her up, cradling her in my arms, she went into her slumber. this was 2 hours ago ... she's still fast asleep now.

so, in this 2 weeks of Big Z's holidays, if nothing at all, he can always say he learn to help calm Mummy down by throwing tissues and the bin and the towel when his adik made a mess. he can also say he drew many more versions of his Island of Sodor. yes, drawing those much-loved trains on their island he still does a lot of. i just haven't had the time to scan and save them.

his next school break will be in June. this time, i'm already aware of it though, so he won't be the keen student facing his school's locked gate come the holidays. ;-)


emly2175 said...

read your entry on the breastfeeding.. What u are doing is actually an early wheening phase.apa apa pun she still takes more breastmilk than powdered milk. and this is good la.. U r doing ok la dear..

Chuff said...

Mrix... firstly, hats off to you. You're doing a great job. Secondly, I love your blog. Keep them posts coming.
Much love.

Mrs Fluffy Head said...

i pun just read your previous entries. both my boys enjoyed mixed feedings from practically the start. exclusive bfeeding was not really an option for me since i work full-time. "escaping" to express my milk is really hard and time-consuming!!

i just stopped expressing at work about a month ago, so ray only gets bm at night. i felt really anxious and guilty at first but he's doing perfectly fine so all's well.

i think you're doing a great job with your kids and i'm sure both z's think so, too. keep it up!

zie_naz said...

Thank you for the wish. Baby Aqil is 1 week today. Mummy? Struggling with the overflow milk!(hehehe..), trying to catch up with Umar&Zaky's daily routine, and baby Aqil's demands!(with 3-4times daily to be put under the sun, jaundice! at bilirubin count 16!) Alhamdulillah with help fr our Aunt, at least for another 2 1/2mths. Umar had his Easter/Spring break last 2 wks. Come June, it will be a long summer break for them. And he'll change school. Hopefully by then, handling 3 will be much easier than now!:-P

zubye said...

Hello Mrika..
Its me.. I've replied ur email yesterday.. in case u havent received it.. just let me know ok! and hopefully u can get back to me ASAP.. thank you very much!
btw, happy holiday to the Big Z :-)